Sunday, April 24, 2011

Plastic Tree old video XDD

Just want to share this rather old video of Plastic Tree that will always make you laugh.. This is Plastic Tree 土曜プラトゥリ劇場 オナン蜥蜴 【番外編・伍】
I always laugh when I'm watching this video.. Ryutaro's monotonous voice is adorable and his poker face makes him even cuter, I think.. In this video, Ryutaro plays as a detective and he is investigating the vampire which named onan tokage, that always looking for a bishounen and found out that Kenken attract him, so he sends a challenge letter to Ryutaro.. In the end, it seems that onan tokage fall in love with Ryutaro (LOL)

this video is so funny, Akira's hair is soooo *make me speachless*, Ryutaro is so pokerface and monoton, Kenken is so cute and Tadashi is cool..
unfortunately, I can't found any subs for this video everywhere.. but really its worth to see.. some people said that Ryutaro is really look like L from Death Note in this short movie


  1. Yes, very L like xD Already saw this video on LJ, really funny and Ryu >.< xD

  2. Hahaha,yes it always makes me laugh

  3. oh this is just brilliant. I love Onan Spelmermaid in all the stuff he has done for cali=gari but this is the best one!

    It's also so obvious that Ryutaro was reading from some tele-prompter or something! lol
