Sunday, March 6, 2011

HBD Ryutaro \^0^/

as we know,today is Arimura Ryutaro birthday.. he is 38 years old now,but he is still look young :)
well now,I want to give you a fact about Ryutaro (taken from Plastic_TreeINA)


Name: Arimura Ryutaro
Born: Chiba, March 6, 1973
Blood Type: AB

Random fact:
His band experience : Religion Mix, Drop'in Shop Lifters and Plastic Tree. 
He Loves Japanese in school and hates Maths.
He likes pudding and curry rice and hates Natto.
He loves poetry and write 98% lyrics in Plastic Tree! 
He is an introvert, shy and ultra polite guy! 
He loves animal so much and his first date was in the zoo! 
He is the hypochondriac, worried too much about his health condition.
In past, he just a lonely kid and had his own world called, RYUTARO'S WORLD. 
Little Ryutaro has a dream become cattleman or work in the zoo. 
He has a little sister and little fat black cat named, Kuro. 
He said he has two alter ego, Ryuu and Tarou.
Ryuu means Dragon to describe his steel-cold insanity side and Tarou for his ultra polite side. 
He has a problem with his emotion. He is the melancholist guy without expression in his face. 
Many public interested to Plastic Tree after watched the photos of melancholict vocalist.
His weakness is to showed his emotion.
He can write psycho and romantic poetry lyrics.
Little Ryutaro has no friend and loved to talk to animals to erased his loneliness
His favorite animal is Panda and he really want to have an owl. 
He don't really know why he think that his self look like Jellyfish. 
- He once said that "I'm looking to reform. I don't like myself all that much." 
"There are so many parts that I'd honestly like to change." (one of his words)
"I was just never the type of person you would normally find in a band..." by Ryutaro Arimura. 
- and not forget to mention that he have a beautiful pale skin that makes everyone amazed ^^

Birthday message from his friend in twitter @pla_ryutaro:

1) ありがとう。無事、帰っておいでー。 RT @mucc_yukke : @Pla_ryutaro そんな日にりゅたろさんの夢みれて嬉しいです★ おめでとうございます!(台湾はまだ23:28です!(笑))
(= Yukke says his birthday message from Taiwan during the MUCC tour)

2) はい。ありがとうございます。会うの楽しみです。 RT @pockoon : @pla_ryutaro 今年も、誕生日が来たんだね。おめでとう!!

3) ありがとうございます。ありがとうございます(クロ)。共々、また宜しくお願いします。 RT @vixen0504 : @Pla_ryutaro そうそう。おめでとうございます~♪ 実は黒いのも、もうすぐ誕生日のような気がするぞよ。では、誕生日、穏やかにお過ごしくだされや~!

4) ありがとう!また顔出すんで。楽しい話聞かせてねぇ。 RT @MTV_VJ_Boo : @Pla_ryutaro 竜太郎くん☆誕生日おめでとうございます☆先日はありがとうございましたm(_ _)m素晴らしい一年になりますように♪( ´▽`)

5) はい。遠い国からまきさん、ありがとう。 RT @makikusumoto : @Pla_ryutaro あ、出遅れた。おめでとう!お誕生日。

6) うん。ありがとう。はやく会いたいものです。 RT @seek_bonshisya : @Pla_ryutaro 誕生日おめでとうございます。今年も素敵な一年になります様に。なかなかお会い出来ないですねー。

7) ありがとう。ハピバーになりました。 RT @ys1126 : @Pla_ryutaro ハピバです!

8) うん。そんな日です。ありがとう★ RT @miu_shino : @Pla_ryutaro お誕生日おめでとうございます★

9) はい。ありがとうございます! RT @TAMA_CASCADE : @Pla_ryutaro お誕生日おめでとう!りゅう君にとっていい一年にしてね!めでたい!!

10) ありがとー。後ほどだね(笑) RT @Pla_kenken : めでたかです。めでたか! RT @Pla_ryutaro : お誕生日おめでとう。とたくさん言われた。どうもありがとう。

11) うん!マコト君、ありがとうー。 RT @doremimakoto : @Pla_ryutaro お誕生日おめでとうございます♪

12) ありがとー。 そう居れるよう、頑張ります(笑)十年来の約束。今年こそ行けたらねぇ。RT @Aiji_LMC : @pla_ryutaro ハピバ!いつまでも"誘ったら必ず現れる"…そんな、たろさんで居てください。笑素敵なバースデーを☆あ、今年は旅しようぜ!

13) うん。夢ちゃん、ありがとうね!RT @yume0922 : @Pla_ryutaro 龍太朗さんお誕生日おめでとうございます☆(^∀^)>

14) 柩。ありがとー!魚座のAB型同士頑張りましょうぞー(・◇・)/ RT @hitsu_nightmare : @Pla_ryutaro お誕生日おめでとうございます( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

15) ありがとう、ボブちゃん。 RT @jet_5peeder : @Pla_ryutaro ハッピーバースデイ♪(´ε` )

16) 龍夜ーありがとうー。 RT @tatsuya_elect9 : 兄貴!お誕生日おめでとうございます!

17) ありがとうー。ヒロポンヌ。 RT @hirotoshikuroda : 誕生日おめでとう!!!!!!!!! (゜∀゜) 

18) はい。気をつけます。ありがとうございます。 RT @king51kazz : @Pla_ryutaro お誕生日おめでとうございます!今年一年、悔いの残らない、納得のいく年になりますように!健康には気をつけましょうね。

19) ネロくん、ありがとう。頑張ります。 RT @nerorythem : @Pla_ryutaro 誕生日おめでとうございます☆素晴らしい復活の歳にしてください!期待してます!!

And also a special message from Takashi (ex-drummer Plastic Tree) in his own twitter @takdrums_tsv "そうだ…こっそり祝っておこう…太郎誕生日おめでとう♪本当によかった…TOUR頑張ってね♪" that Ryutaro reply it by using Kenken's twitter : "@takdrums_tsv ありがとう、タカじい。竜太朗"

wooow,that's so many right? and that is not included all the fans around the world who mention him..
well,have a great birthday Ryutaro-sama~~ 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I never thought that Ryuu and I have some similarities xD

    This for example:

    "He has a problem with his emotion. He is the melancholist guy without expression in his face."

    "His weakness is to showed his emotion."

    "He can write psycho and romantic poetry lyrics"

    "He loves poetry ..."

    "...I don't like myself all that much"

    And I also love owls <3
    I think the reason that he and I have this similarities is our zodiac sign. He is Pisces and I am Aries. People with this zodiac sign are often like this. Shy, emotional and so on ... interesting. o.o
